Difficult Experiences Make Strong People

One of the greatest benefits of Jiu-Jitsu is that it allows those that practice it to face adversity on a regular basis. I’ve written about this before, but I feel it’s so important to talk about because of the society we live in.
Life can become very easy and we get to where we take many of life’s basic essentials for granted. 100 years ago daily activities would have been much more difficult than they are now for the average person. 100 years before that, they would have been even more difficult.
As life gets easier, characters get weaker.
Character is directly strengthened by life experiences.
Thinking about being a parent in the future, one of my greatest fears is giving my child a life that is too easy.
We love all of those around us and want to give them everything they need to live a healthy and happy life. However adversity is one of those things necessary to develop a compassionate, persevering spirit.
I’m grateful they will grow up in a Jiu-Jitsu environment where they will face the adversity of Jiu-Jitsu that builds so much character.
Theres a saying that goes something like:
Hard times make strong people
Strong people make easy times
Easy times make weak people
Weak People make hard times
And Hard times make strong people again.
Jiu-Jitsu can be very difficult times, and therefore make very strong characters.

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