BJJ: Self Defense or Sport?

Theres no denying that the majority of fights end up in a clinched position. This is where Jiu-Jitsu shines.
Our curriculum is built to enable our students to handle themselves not only on the mats but also on the streets.
Children: Children will have the knowledge of how to properly deal with a bully, verbally and physically. Not only how to defend themselves, but the appropriate timing and action to take as well.
Adults: Arriving at blue belt, you will have the knowledge to properly subdue an attacker using superior knowledge of distance management, and positional control.
There is quite a difference between sport Jiu-Jitsu and self defense Jiu-Jitsu! The most prominent of those differences is distance management. Throughout our classes awareness is illuminated on what is applicable in self defense situations and what is applicable in sport jiu-jitsu.
Our academy takes pride in teaching both Self Defense and Sport!
​So the answer is both!

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